
Keep the Music Alive in Edmonton

Your support means so much to us, and we need you now more than ever.

By making a donation, you can help to maintain this magnificent facility, give Edmonton a world-class orchestra, and ensure that people of all ages and backgrounds can experience the transformative power of music. Please choose an option below.

Edmonton Symphony Orchestra

Support live orchestral music in your community. Your donation makes it possible for musicians to live and work full time in Alberta and allows the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra to bring music to life on the Winspear stage and across Alberta.

Youth Orchestra of Northern Alberta

Contribute to music programming for social change. YONA (Youth Orchestra of Northern Alberta) is a program in central Edmonton schools, the Winspear Centre, and on Alexander First Nation that includes afterschool care, healthy snacks, play time, tutoring, and orchestral music lessons, for free, five days a week.

Winspear Expansion

Donate to expand the Winspear Centre. Construction is underway on a key building block for Edmonton’s downtown—a reimagined Winspear Centre. When completed, it will fundamentally change the way people use the Winspear, opening it for everyone, every day, building a new 550 guest venue, and increasing programming for children and musicians.

Tommy Banks Centre for Musical Creativity

Donate to change lives through music. The Banks Centre delivers revolutionary musical arts enrichment programs that act as catalysts for musical discovery and exploration, so that current and future generations can experience the transformative power of music on a personal level.

In Honour Of

Show appreciation, celebrate an event, or honour the memory of someone you care about by giving the gift of music to our community. Donating on behalf of a milestone or loved one gives extra meaning to the occasion or to the person you’re honouring.